Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shayla's Philadelphia Trip, Day 2

Of course we slept in.  However, I was super tired and probably slept in too much.  I ended up arising around 1PM.  We got ready and discussed what we wanted to do for the day.  We decided on starting at Valley Forge.  I have not been yet and really wanted to go.  Shayla was nice enough to partake in my enthusiasm.  We made our way to Valley Forge which is located in a town called King of Prussia.  It houses the largest mall in the world according to store count.  We decided to eat at TGI Friday's because I figured they would have something low calorie that I could eat and still be good with the diet.  There was a wait but I noticed the bar had seats so we headed that way.  We got carded for ordering waters, I hate when that happens.  After receiving our food, Shayla turned to me and said, "I feel like we have switched roles".  I was eating healthy and Shayla was eating something fatty and wonderful.  Hopefully I can keep this diet up!  Then I'll be as skinny as Shayla!  YAY!  Without having to run the 15 miles a day.

After our late lunch, we headed to the Valley Forge Historical Park.  We parked our car and headed for the visitor's center where I saw this:
Look!  I'm George Washington!

We walked around the path for the rest of the day.  We visited the barrack's they built, buildings, and all the various statues.  We came upon these sexy bastards pretty early in the trek:

Anyone else turned on?  No?  Just me?  Nothing like re-enacting non-battles to get a girl's engines going.  Who talks like this?  Me.

Here is an example of where they slept.  Do I want to sleep there? No.
But if I had the choice of laying on some wood or freezing to death.  
Wood wins.

Gorgeous Memorial Arch

It is absolutely beautiful here since the leaves are starting to change.  Valley Forge was quite a site.  I am obsessed with historical parks because they can never change.  Here are a few pics from our journey:

Washington Memorial Chapel
Breathtaking, us Episcopal's know how to do it.

After our wonderful trip to Valley Forge, the sunset sealed our day.  We traveled back to Glenside to get that movie to return.  Then we traveled to Bensalem to visit Katy Anne at Texas Roadhouse.  I cheated and had some rolls because I was getting a migraine.  Well 1 roll turned into like 6.  With the honey cinnamon butter.  Those are definitely not on the diet.  Dinner was great but I had to get Shayla back to the house so she could get some sleep.  We were leaving for the airport at 3:30AM so Shayla could make her flight at 5:30am.  She was going to arrive in Houston at 8am and then she was going straight to work.  Yes, she is a crazy person.

I couldn't sleep of course so I just stayed up.  We got up at 3:15am and got ready by putting on pants and heading out the door.  No traffic and we made it to the airport in plenty of time.  I dropped Shayla off and began the water works.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing best friend.  I would do anything for her.  We have so many wonderful memories together.  I am so thankful to have her.  And on that note, here is a quote from our favorite comedy.  Next to Out Cold, the funniest comedy on record.

"I chose Mount Rushmore.  'Cause to live in a country where you can take an ugly old mountain and put faces on it, faces of great Americans who did so much to make our country super great.  Well, that makes me Rebecca Leeman, proud to be an American."
-Rebecca Leeman played by Denise Richards in Drop Dead Gorgeous

Shayla's Philadelphia Trip - Day 1

Last Saturday I got to pick up the bestest best friend ever from the airport!!!!  Shayla arrived around 11:30 am and I decided to park to give her a real warm and friendly attack by baggage claim.  I got there a little early so I decided to use the restroom.  I was walking a few steps behind a woman who was going to the restroom as well but was headed into the men's room.  I tried to warn her but she just went in.  Oh well, welcome to Philadelphia.  I glanced around the visitors brochures for ideas of what to do with our two days.  What to do?  Both days doing all the historical stuff or to sit around the house without pants eating ice cream and watching movies?    Well, little of both then.

Got a call from Shayla saying that she was headed my way.  I sat there looking at the people around me noticing that most of them were holding signs for there passengers.  So I decided to join.  I dove into my gigantic purse (no exaggeration, I keep my wallet, sunglasses, phone, iPod, lip accessories, eye wash, mail, 2 server books, pens, server apron, book, & camera inside it) for paper and pen to write my sign on.  I wrote STEPP-FRIESEN on it in large letters.  Including the 'Stepp' part for hilarity reasons.

(*Note: This moment was later re-enacted outside the Liberty Bell)

After a couple minutes, we locked eyes and I ATTACKED.  I ran at her at a kind of retarded skip and then went for the full embrace.  Not gonna lie, started to tear up.  I could not be more excited that my best friend came all the way to PA to visit me!  Shayla informed me that they didn't even give her peanuts on the flight so she was starving.  We headed to find my car to begin our journey.  Got to the car ok but managed to not understand parking garages.  Took a few wrong turns because this certain parking garage was budgeting there EXIT signs.  Suffice to say, couldn't figure out how to fucking exit.

Made our way downtown.  After 30 minutes of me not being able to find it, we finally arrived at Reading Terminal Market.  We walked around a while until we finally decided on Chinese.  I decided to cheat on the diet this one time.  Well, day.  Well, two days.  Frick.

After lunch, we headed towards the Historical area.  Arrived behind Independence Hall in the park area.  Took a view glamour shots before we made our way to the front to go through security to get to the Constitution.  It took them a few minutes to go through my luggage AKA purse.  Tickets were already sold out when we got there around 1:30pm.  This is the second time that I've almost seen the Constitution.  I'm started to think it is a conspiracy.  I find myself wanting to blame Nicolas Cage for some reason...

This story probably explains why.  We were in the Great Essentials wing of Independence Hall.  The Great Essentials room houses copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence & Articles of Confederation.  While touring around the wing, this woman in stripes
proceeds to ask the guard/information guy if that is the same Declaration of Independence that Nicolas Cage stole.  When the guard proceeded to, in more words or less, make fun of her, she began to defend her question loudly.  I turned to Shayla and said, "I got to get out of here."  Yes, people like her exist.  Everywhere.  Frightening, isn't it?

Before we left Independence Hall, I decided to make Shayla take this picture next to the line for the Constitution:
Afterwards, I noticed the people in line staring at me.  So I responded with, "I'm taking a picture of her almost seeing the Constitution.  That's why she came up here."  Moving on.

Then we made our way across the street to see the Liberty Bell.  We walked through the introductory museum area.  I noticed that it was separated into time periods (revolutionary beginnings, Civil War, Civil Rights, women's suffrage, etc.)  And for each time period it said, "The Liberty Bell means...".  And it changed for each period.  Whoa, this bell has a lot of power.

It's cracked.

There was this couple taking kissy pictures in front of the bell.  I was like - are these people trying to bring sexyback to the bell?  I thought that was really funny and repeated it throughout the day.  Also, another dude was leaning over the railing taking pictures from the bottom of the bell.  I exclaimed that this fool was feeling frisky with the bell.  You know, looking up her skirt.  

I'm going into comedy.

Shayla and I paused outside the Liberty Bell building for some glamour shots.


Not so normal.

And on down historical lane we went.  We traveled to the Independence Hall Visitor Center, Constitution Center & Benjamin Franklin's (BF) grave.  After giving a shout out to BF, we made our way to Betsy Ross' House.  I warned Shayla that there wasn't a lot to see at Betsy's casa.  You walk in the gift shop and can purchase a ticket for the tour.  I have managed to fight the system by instead of actually buying a ticket, you simply lean over the railing to look at the rest of her house.  Cause it's tiny.  They sell a lot of interesting stuff at Betsy's gift shop.  Like little bottle cap magnets that say things like 'America Rocks' on it or t-shirts that say BRH on it.  
"Hey dude, cool t-shirt.  What does BRH stand for?" 
"Betsy Ross' House." 

This is the fountain outside BRH.  It has kitties.  So I did what any normal person would do.
I petted the kitties and made loud, obnoxious cat noises.

We made our way to Elfreth's Alley and then back towards Independence Hall to check out the banks near by.  After that we walked back to my car and I gave her my personal driving tour of the rest of downtown.  We went to South Street, Rittenhouse Square and the Avenue of the Arts.  South Street was bumpin' because it was a Phillies play off game that day.  There were a lot of fans and freaks making there way around town.  Outside the comic shop, I witnessed this:
Yup, a few men were in capes light saber fighting.  However, only one of them was up to my standards costume wise.  I'll probably go back there later to cruise for dudes.

We made our way back to Glenside where we decided to go out to eat for dinner.  We chose a place called Earth Bread & Brewery that Jonathan & Katy have been wanting me to try.  The food was good but we had the worst service ever.  Apparently, I slept with her boyfriend and don't remember it.  Oh well, luckily Shayla & I are used to shit like this happening to us.  There is nothing worse than being a server and getting bad service.  Somehow, I still wanted to blame Nicolas Cage.

We got ready for bed and snuggled in my bed.  Shayla put on 100 pounds of warmth because she was freezing.  I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  We rented It's Complicated because I was in the mood for something comical and I had heard good things about it.  If you haven't seen it, rent it now.  You cannot go any longer in life if you haven't seen Alec Baldwin post-sex grabbing/cupping Meryl Streep's crouch saying "Home Sweet Home."  Perfect.  I can die now.  Alec Baldwin brought up past memories of our youth.  When we were little, my Ken doll was always named Alec Baldwin because I was obsessed with him.  When I was in primary school.  It was Alec Baldwin in a sea of Days of our Lives soap opera barbies.  I would re-create the show's happenings.  Shayla & I would call it a day, then re-set for the next days continuance.  Normal.


"It reminds me of the heady days of Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets.  Now they will tremble again - at the sound of our silence.  The order is: engage the silent drive."
-Captain Marko Ramius played by Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October

You thought it was going to be a Nicolas Cage movie quote, DIDN'T YOU?!?  Well guess what, it will NEVER be.  Because he is TERRIBLE.  And he STEALS SHIT.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weather Change, Friends n Marriage

The weather here has changed which means Fall is here!  The leaves are changing which is gorgeous.  Also the temperature has dropped which is really great in aiding in my hot flashes.  They seem less severe.

The first cold day was last Tuesday.  That day I got to see one of my old friends Eli.  He and a friend were driving from Richmond up the eastern roads through Baltimore, Philly, NYC then to Eli's home in New Hampshire.  They were nice enough to stop in Philly to have lunch so I could meet up with them.  It was really nice seeing an old friend.  You know things are good when you talk like no time has passed.

After a brief lunch at Tony Luke's which is downtown, Eli & company hit the road in there rented Impala.  Bawlin'.

And a very special shout out to two wonderful best friends that got engaged recently!!  I am so happy for you both!!  YAY MARRIAGE!!!  Please don't make me wear orange or yellow.

"Anything?  Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused.  I mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely different guy.  I don't feel different.  I mean, take yesterday for example.  We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely.  And uh, I happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be.  Her panties.  Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton, underpants.  But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's a thong.  Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about.  You know, and uh, and I started feeling.... what?  What I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?"
-Frank Ricard played by Will Ferrell in Old School

How to Quit a Job

Hello blog family, sorry I haven't updated in a while.  Nothing really exciting has happened but a few minor adjustments here and there.  As I stated below, I put in my two weeks at the Fox.  My GM found out and I noticed he was ignoring me.  I eventually approached him and asked him if he was mad at me for putting my two weeks in.  He responded with, "No. I tend to not get close to anyone anymore.  You have to play in the big leagues to work downtown." To which I replied saying, "Ummmmmmm ok."  I guess being in the big leagues means doing drugs, boning everybody and making no money.  I'm really sad I missed out on that.

So on to bigger and better things...  I hope.  Katy Anne got me a job at Texas Roadhouse in Montgomeryville (which is about 20 miles from the casa).   The people there are really nice.  A variety of interesting individuals.  Lets just say I have competition for being the weirdest person there.  Me.  Competition?  What?

There is a guy there who is a shit show to the fullest extent.  He performs in a drag show and his stage name is 'Britney Queers'.  He is suffice to say in love with Britney Spears, Zac Efron & Justin Bieber.  So he's straight.  NOT.  I love me some gays.

There is a bartender there that I constantly feel is raping me with his eyes.  So that's nice.

But other than that, working there is good.  They are a reallyyyyyy slow store so that sucks.  Also,  they are not open until 4 pm Monday-Friday.  So I'm trying to get another job for the mornings.  Any ideas?  Remember, I'm trying to stay off the pole people.

And on an awesome note, I have officially finished reading all of the Harry Potter books.  This done mainly in preparation for Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie, opening November 19th.  Which I'm super stoked about.  And by stoked I mean that I had a dream last night that I was Hermione Granger living in my Comanche house.  I was involved in a battle in my vast backyard but could not fight back because my wand turned out to be a golf tee.  I tried to get wand help inside my house but it turned out that Magic Johnson was my dad.  And let's face it, he hasn't engaged in any magic since the early 80's.

Golf Tee

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are.  It is our choices."
-Professor Albus Dumbledore played by Richard Harris in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets