Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to Quit a Job

Hello blog family, sorry I haven't updated in a while.  Nothing really exciting has happened but a few minor adjustments here and there.  As I stated below, I put in my two weeks at the Fox.  My GM found out and I noticed he was ignoring me.  I eventually approached him and asked him if he was mad at me for putting my two weeks in.  He responded with, "No. I tend to not get close to anyone anymore.  You have to play in the big leagues to work downtown." To which I replied saying, "Ummmmmmm ok."  I guess being in the big leagues means doing drugs, boning everybody and making no money.  I'm really sad I missed out on that.

So on to bigger and better things...  I hope.  Katy Anne got me a job at Texas Roadhouse in Montgomeryville (which is about 20 miles from the casa).   The people there are really nice.  A variety of interesting individuals.  Lets just say I have competition for being the weirdest person there.  Me.  Competition?  What?

There is a guy there who is a shit show to the fullest extent.  He performs in a drag show and his stage name is 'Britney Queers'.  He is suffice to say in love with Britney Spears, Zac Efron & Justin Bieber.  So he's straight.  NOT.  I love me some gays.

There is a bartender there that I constantly feel is raping me with his eyes.  So that's nice.

But other than that, working there is good.  They are a reallyyyyyy slow store so that sucks.  Also,  they are not open until 4 pm Monday-Friday.  So I'm trying to get another job for the mornings.  Any ideas?  Remember, I'm trying to stay off the pole people.

And on an awesome note, I have officially finished reading all of the Harry Potter books.  This done mainly in preparation for Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie, opening November 19th.  Which I'm super stoked about.  And by stoked I mean that I had a dream last night that I was Hermione Granger living in my Comanche house.  I was involved in a battle in my vast backyard but could not fight back because my wand turned out to be a golf tee.  I tried to get wand help inside my house but it turned out that Magic Johnson was my dad.  And let's face it, he hasn't engaged in any magic since the early 80's.

Golf Tee

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are.  It is our choices."
-Professor Albus Dumbledore played by Richard Harris in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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