Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Day, Another Steak

Things at work have been going really well.  For the most part...  I've been making new friends which I am extremely grateful.  I went out for some drinks after work with a few coworkers.  I like to think of it as 'restaurant initiation'.  In the restaurant business, going out with co-workers for the first time is crucial.  This experience will be how they view/treat you inside and outside of work.  However, I never need to worry about the restaurant initiation.  Because I'm badass.

Moving on.  However, it is really hard to not talk about work with you are out with coworkers.  Whether it is swapping stories about horrible guests or overly expressing frustrations about fellow coworkers.   Even though in reality, work should be the LAST thing you should want to talk about since it consumes 90% of your life.  But that's just where the conversation always ends up.  We stroke up a conversation about bartending at TRH and everyone there put in there two cents.  It was just a minor conversation of a night full of many different topics.  This was at least a month ago.

So about a week or so ago, I get approached by a manager who asked me if I told a co-worker two things.  1. That I was going to be a bartender and 2. a current bartender was getting fired.  Um, what?  Got to love the restaurant business.   Lies, bullshit & drama.  What do I do?  Just not talk to coworkers about work anymore?  Since that is an impossibility, I just need to be more careful about what I say in front of certain people.  Certain people who take what you say, turn around and make shit up.  Noted.

I was extremely upset about it because I definitely stay away from drama and I just started there.  That is not the impression that I wanted to make.  Oh well, people are going to think whatever they want to think.  Take it and move on.  As Will Ferrell so eloquently stated in Old School, "Keep on truckin'."

Also in an after-work conversation with fellow coworkers, I had some tell me, "You know who you remind me of?  Maci from 16 and Pregnant."  My response: "Ummm, I look pregnant?"

He assured me that I didn't look pregnant.  He also said that it was my personality that was more resonate of her than my looks.

So I decided to do a little research on Maci.  Maci is a teenager from Chattanooga, Tennessee who got knocked up her sophomore year of high school by her boyfriend Ryan.  She named the kid Bentley.  And I'll name my child Maserati.

She was involved in cheerleading, softball and dirt bikes in high school.  Strike 1.  I don't even know how to hold pom poms properly.  Strike 2.  I have zero aim whatsoever.  Try to hit a target and instead, I'll hit someone behind me.  Strike 3.  Bikes scare me and I yell at strangers on bikes who don't wear helmets.  Not seeing the similarity...

I hate that shit like that happens to me but I believe that this fellow co-worker meant well.  Even though he compared me to a pregnant 16 year old.  I mean, Maci is pretty.  Minus the whole getting knocked up in high school, putting herself on an MTV reality show and now exploiting her family through magazines to make her quick 5 minutes of fame.

"You should've gone to China, you know, 'cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods.  You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events."
-Juno MacGuff played by Ellen Page in Juno

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